4 nuclear




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1·Today, with Kazakhstan having banished 4 nuclear weapons and joined in creating a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia, Semipalatinsk has become a powerful symbol.
2·INDIA's civil nuclear deal with America is about rather more than the proportion of electricity that might be generated by atom-splitting in 15 years' time (a meagre 4%).
3·Now there are several types of licenses as you see here 1 0 4 which is therapy and research facilities and 1 0 3 are for nuclear power plants and other industrial facilities.
4·The conflicting information about the water levels in the pool storing the spent fuel rods in Reactor 4 is emblematic of the confusion the nuclear crisis has engendered.
5·Last year China consumed 2,252b tons of the oil equivalent of coal, oil, nuclear power, natural gas and hydropower, about 4% more than the US, the IEA data showed.
6·Japan itself had a Level 4 accident in 1999, when three workers preparing fuel for a reactor at a Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion plant triggered a nuclear chain reaction, called a criticality.
日本在1999年就曾发生过一次4级核事故(又称“东海村核事故”——译注),当时在日本核燃料转换公司(Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion)的一个燃料厂内,三名正在为反应堆准备燃料的工人引发了一次链式核反应,使反应堆达到临界状态。
7·Update: 4:29 PM ET: Anti-nuclear expert Kevin Kamp explains the nightmare scenario in Fukushma, via Forbes and the Institute for Public accuracy.
更新:美国东部时间下午4:29分:反核专家凯文·坎普(Kevin Kamp)通过福布斯和公共精度学院解释了发生在福岛的噩梦经过。
8·It is often said that nuclear waste has a half-life of 100, 000 years…it is worth remembering that Stonehenge was built only 4, 000 years ago.
要知道,核废料的半衰期是100000年——而英 国的巨石阵仅有四千年的历史。
9·Semipalatinsk-4 where nuclear tests are not conducted since 1986.
位于现哈萨克斯坦境内的赛米巴拉金斯克4号试验场。 自1986年之后,在这里进行核试验便不受任何约束了。
10·If it were a mere 4% bigger or smaller than it is, stars would not be able to sustain the nuclear reactions that synthesise carbon and oxygen.
更新时间:2025-02-22 23:15